Shelby EdickAssistant Director of Graduate Admission
Office of Admission
614-823-1506adams7@otterbein.eduIndividualized Master of Arts Program Graduate Early Admissions Pathway
The Individualized Master of Arts Program Graduate Early Admissions Pathway at Otterbein allows undergraduate students to begin graduate-level education in one of two graduate programs: Master of Arts in Social Sciences (IMA-SS) or Master of Arts in Humanities (IMA-HUM). Students can complete up to three Antioch University online graduate-level courses during their senior year. The credits earned in these courses apply to both the student’s undergraduate Otterbein degree and an Antioch University master’s degree in the Individualized Master of Arts Program.
After graduating from Otterbein, students can continue at Antioch to earn a master’s degree. Students admitted to the pathway are provisionally accepted to the Antioch Individualized Master of Arts graduate program the student identifies (either IMA-SS or IMA-HUM). Full admission is pending the successful completion of pathway courses and completion of their undergraduate degree.
All pathway coursework is covered by full-time undergraduate tuition and financial aid, so the pathway can help save on graduate degree costs and provide a head start on the master’s degree. Also, pathway coursework counts toward Otterbein residency requirements.